
Friday, December 9, 2016

After word

When I first started this project I wasn't sure where I was going to. Yes, I knew this was a social experiment run to prove this crazy theory of mine that we all have prejudices that affect us from treating others fairly. After analyzing my experiences and watching my performances I realized that this is bigger than that. Yes, I was treated better when I was passing as a "higher class", however  the point is not to shame those who gave me a better treatment but to invite people to take a look at themselves and their actions and think about their own prejudices. Think about the nature of these judgments and maybe this self-consciousnesses of our actions will allow us to act more humanely to one another. Some times we are too busy doing our own thing, dealing with our own issues that we forget there are others out there who may need more help, and that we are actually capable of doing something to change their lives. I invite you to chose to take action, treat others with decency, give (if you can), and/or become a member of a non-profit organization that helps others. 

P.S. I want to profoundly thank my camera person Amber Nicolai for participating in this project and dedicating so much time of their day to document my performances, as well as Hayley Woods for stepping in as emergency camera person too!.

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